Distribution Center & Warehouse Protection
Our staff has over twenty years experience as former managers of loss prevention and operations in distribution. We understand the day to day operations of your facility and will provide your center with qualified individuals who are trained in loss prevention and cargo theft.
At no additional cost, BSI will provide the following services:
- Loss Prevention Training – educate teammates on handling sensitive stock shortage issues
- Training teammates when reacting, responding to, or reporting stock shortage issues
- Executive recognition and response to behavioral patterns of dishonest employees
- Increase stock shortage awareness and provide a clear understanding of loss prevention.
- Explain emergency procedures
- How merchandise is shipped from stores
- Inbound Seal/Trailer Discrepancies
- Seal Audit Procedures
- Driver procedures/Outbound
- Charge back procedures
- Damage Control Procedures
- Known Loss Reporting Procedures
- Handling of Sensitive Merchandise
- How merchandise is shipped to stores
- Handling of “high ticket” merchandise to stores
- Outbound Seal/Trailer Discrepancies
- Seal Audit Procedures
- Driver Procedures/Outbound
- Charge-back procedures
- Damage Control Procedures
Additional services include but not limited to Access Control, Employee/Visitor Parking, Perimeter Security, Emergency Procedures, Lumper or Helper Procedures, Damage Control Procedures, Fire Equipment Checks, Seal Audit Procedures, Track Received Merchandise, and Yard Organization